

A Giving Tuesday Campaign Primer for Small Nonprofits

There are many of us running small nonprofits who certainly know of Giving Tuesday but are skeptical of launching a Giving Tuesday campaign. In this post, my goal is to (1) define the initiative and its origins; (2),outline reasons to consider putting together a Giving Tuesday campaign and (3) offer some practical ways of implementing one quickly, i.e., in about a week. How much work am I talking about? Once you decide on your on fundraising project, you will need…

The Basics of Nonprofit Marketing Messaging

The Basics of Nonprofit Marketing Messaging After you’ve described your audiences, delineated the right media for your messages to them, and decided on the channels for delivery of those messages, you need to think about what you’re going to say.  In this post, we’ll discuss: (1) Why nonprofit marketing messaging is important; (2) Four components of a good foundation for nonprofit marketing messaging; (3) Three key nonprofit marketing messages that you should develop and keep in your back pocket; (4)…